Sustainable Sourcing

We are proud to buy our fish from local fishermen who work using low impact fishing methods that preserve our marine environment wherever possible. Almost all of our local fishing boats are members of the Seafish Industry Authorities Responsible Fishing Scheme.

Mackerel and sardines are caught within a mile or so of the coast using traditional methods of fishing, such as hook and line or ring netting.  Other species are fished with a variety of catching methods, such as traditional trawls, beam trawls or gill nets.  Fleet reductions in the order of 40% have reduced the environmental impact on stocks and other marine life.

We always try to select and purchase mature fish and seafood and not to take the cheaper, smaller sized fish.

If you’d like more information, our trained sales team are always happy to talk with chefs about sustainable fish and the best options of the day.


Minimum Landing Sizes

We do not buy undersized fish from any source and actively try to purchase mature fish on all occasions. We know our shellfish fishermen always hand-pick and measure each and every lobster or crab to ensure any fish that have not reached the minimum landing size are returned to their native habitat alive.


Ethical Selling

We are very careful in not recommending any species that we feel is under pressure in Cornish waters; instead advising and guiding chefs towards seasonal fresh fish that is readily available in good volumes and at competitive prices.

We source a diverse range of species, many of which are non quota species. By offering a wider variety of seafood for chefs to use with a menu, we believe we are playing a part in helping to make the public more aware of the lesser-known species that are readily available, as well as offering great value.


Find out more about our sustainability aims and objectives.